Day Trip
Looking for a structured curriculum-based visit or an end-of-year field trip? We offer a unique opportunity to experience Nova Scotia Heritage and culture.
Your visit includes:
- Full access to site
- Hands-on experiences with our interpreters
- 1 scheduled activity of your choice: ice cream making, butter
making, hand-build pottery
- Ask us about tailoring your visit to the curriculum, or enjoy a
fun-filled end-of-year trip!
Duration: Open 9:30am to 5pm
Price: $10.00 per student. Chaperones are free.
This unique experience welcomes students to
explore Nova Scotia heritage and culture through an immersive program that
supports the Nova Scotia curriculum. Students will stay on-site, dine in our
Tea Room and participate in structured activities along with time to explore at
their own pace.
Your visit includes:
- Accommodation on-site
- 6 meals, snacks and drinks
- Immersive, costumed experiences
- Hands-on activities like butter making, boat building and
hand-build pottery
Duration: 2 nights, 3 days
Price: $175 per person, or ask us about our weekend rate.
Express your interest
Thank you for your interest in booking our
Hands-on-History program. Please complete the form below and we’ll be in touch
within 5 business days to complete the booking.